What is the Better Energy Homes Scheme?
The Better Energy Homes Scheme provides grants to homeowners who are interested in improving the energy efficiency of their home in order to reduce energy use and costs as well as greenhouse gas emissions. The scheme is open to all owners of existing houses built before 2011. Ireland Grants are claimed after the measures are completed and the contractor has been paid by or entered a financing agreement with the homeowner.
Better Energy Warmer Homes Scheme - This nationwide scheme delivers free energy efficiency improvements to the homes of people who are in receipt of certain welfare payments. These 3 links give the information, how to apply and the application form, once the application form is completed send to us at WI as it will be processed faster
Major Renovations TGD Part L 2019 sets out requirements for dwellings that undergo major renovation. It is considered a major renovation when more than 25% of the building’s surface area undergoes refurbishment or renovation. The TGD states that the performance of the entire building should be improved to a cost optimal level where technically, functionally and economically feasible. The cost optimal performance level is considered 125 kWh/m2 /yr, or B2 equivalent energy rating, when calculated in DEAP. To calculate the surface area, the entire external envelope needs to be considered. This includes the external walls, floors, roof, windows and doors. The surface area of the building includes any area that can lose heat to the external environment or the ground.
The new Building Regulations require that after any alteration to a minimum of 25% of your home’s surface area, your home either achieves a minimum B2 BER rating or your heating system and attic insulation comply with the Building Regulation standards.
Better Energy Warmer Homes Scheme - This nationwide scheme delivers free energy efficiency improvements to the homes of people who are in receipt of certain welfare payments. These 3 links give the information, how to apply and the application form and then we can send the form as it will be processed faster
Fully Funded Energy Upgrades - https://www.seai.ie/grants/home-energy-grants/fully-funded-upgrades-for-eligible-homes/
Home Energy Grants - https://www.seai.ie/grants/home-energy-grants/
One Stop Shop - https://www.seai.ie/grants/home-energy-grants/one-stop-shop/
Scheme and Application Guidelines - https://www.seai.ie/publications/Scheme-and-Application-Guidelines.pdf
WHS Application - https://www.seai.ie/grants/home-energy-grants/free-upgrades-for-eligible-homes/WHS-Application-V1.7-May-2022.pdf
Carer’s Allowance Confirmation Form - https://www.seai.ie/grants/home-energy-grants/free-upgrades-for-eligible-homes/Carers-Allowance-Confirmation-Form.pdf
Have a look here for some more info on the National Retrofitting Scheme
On 8 February 2022 the Government approved a package of supports to make it cheaper and easier for homeowners to undertake home energy upgrades for warmer, healthier, and more comfortable homes, with lower energy bills.
The key measures include:
A new National Home Energy Upgrade Scheme providing increased grant levels of up to 50% of the cost of a typical deep retrofit to a B2 BER standard. One Stop Shops will offer a start-to-finish project management service, including access to financing, for home energy upgrades.
Greatly improved grant support under the Home Energy Grants – Individual Energy Upgrades (aka Better Energy Homes). This process will continue as is with greatly improved grants, up to 80% of cost of works.
We are delighted to inform you of the following changes to grant levels under the Individual Energy Upgrades (Better Energy Homes)
Individual Energy Upgrades
The new grant levels will apply to all applicants currently live on the SEAI IT system.This means that once homeowners complete works and return the required documentation including signed Declaration of Works, attachments, and the Request for Payment Form (the normal process), the new grant amounts contained in the table above entitled “New Grants” will be applied to their applications.
Note: there is no change for Heating Controls or Solar Heating.
Bonus payments will no longer be made for new applicants. However, SEAI will honour bonus payments due on any current applications live in the system.
In addition, there has been a policy change regarding the year of construction:
Current Rule New Rule Attic Insulation
Cavity Wall Insulation
External Wall Insulation
Heating Controls pre 2006 pre 2011 Heat Pumps/Solar Thermal pre 2011 pre 2021